The only source of good provision


I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. Revelation 3:18 ESV

                All those treasures which are of eternal worth can be got, and can only be got direct from Christ. There is no other gospel but that of Christ, no saving grace outside of Christ, and no effective faith not in Christ. He is the answer to our every need and want in life.

            And it is good to find all these most valuable treasures held in such merciful and gracious hands, for see how He stands at the door shut fast against Him and knocks? Ah, and it is a door which by all rights should be swung wide to receive Him and welcome Him in with utmost joy and gladness. It is a door that ought to have a watch set on it for the Lord’s approach. These people have offered a terrible offense, and the time of judgement is drawing near for them; but even so the Lord would give them the best things without price.

            He has purchased them already as only He could. He offers them even to this most wretched congregation. He offers to the whole congregation, and to each member thereof. And we must believe the offer holds even for us this day, for our church, and our homes, and our own souls.

            What reason have we then for despair? If the dead, and the dying church is offered opportunity of revival, why not we also? Let us then go to the door, and pray our Lord to enter in, and set out the fineries before us that we may feast and be restored. Let us receive His healing touch to anoint our eyes and grant us the clear vision of faith. Let us ask of Him those clean and whole garments to replace our filthy rags that we might be covered and unashamed. Let us seek of Him the gold refined by the fire that we might have all we need by Him, and for Him, and to Him.


            O Father all good things are from You, and the greatest good is Christ whom You sent to save us from the tyranny of sin, and bring us into fellowship with You through adoption.  He is our Lord by right, yet He has been patient and merciful and gracious to us so to win our affections by loving us that we should love Him also. Therefore, the door of our church, and of our homes, and of our lives ought to wait and watch His approach and pray for His coming. That door ought ever to swing wide to welcome Him as Lord and Master most beloved. We would have the good things He alone offers as our sole and whole supply. Ah Father may it even be so to the glory of our Lord, and so to You our Holy Father, with the help of the Holy Sprit we pray it in Jesus’ name. Amen.


Give reviving

Jesus lead us by Thy power

For the bread

Come then, Lord Jesus


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