Come ye


On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. John 7:37 ESV

                That Jesus “cried out” indicates something more than that He elevated His voice to be heard over the crowd. There was a force to His words such as demanded attention, for He wanted everyone to hear who had ears. He wished for them to hear and to listen and to understand, and understanding to heed His words. And still today He would have us hear, and understand, and heed for our good.

            He calls them to Himself, away from sin’s mirage of a fountain, away from the false wells of idolatry and outward religion, out of the desert of human means, and onto the fount of every blessing. He offers them a spring of living water which will well up inside of them never to be exhausted. A source of fresh water to quench their thirst forevermore. What a glad tiding to those parched souls.

            They were dying of thirst, as we were, and what would a dying man not give in exchange for his soul? But the Lord demands only that they come to Him and drink. It is indeed an easy yoke, and a light burden, and behold He gives that which refreshes the soul and renews the strength to bear it. Ah soul remember how sweet it was when first you tasted of that fount? And should it be any less pleasing now as you drink this very day of the living waters?


            Father what have You left undone that all might know of the living waters in this dry and barren land? What did You hold back to see our thirst was quenched, and our dying turned to living? O Father as we drink this day from this most blessed fountain which never can run dry may we find it as good as when we came at first to drink, and may we drink deeply of it. Be glorified in this, in Christ’s name. Amen.


Come ye disconsolate

Come ye sinners

Come ye souls by sin afflicted

Come thou fount of every blessing

Come Said Jesus’ sacred voice by Indelible Grace


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