

As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” Hebrews 3:15 ESV, see also 3:7-14, 4:7, Psalm 95:7

                Ah beloved have you not heard His voice? Indeed, you have for it has spoken just now as you read the verse above, and indeed God speaks anytime that scripture is open 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:21, etc. Yes, you have heard God’s voice and He has spoken to you good news and glad tidings. O yes beloved He has spoken wonderous words to you of life everlasting.  Yes, and He has sent some men to speak His words to you and to see that you understand.

            Do you reverence the words of God, or do they lie flat upon the pages as any other words? Do you come each week ready to hear what the Lord says, or do hear only what a man says? Take heed for the God who spoke still speaks calling His own to their rest. If you hear not, and heed not that call how shall you enter into the Lord’s rest?

            So then let us work diligently to make our hearts soft to the word, that it might leave an indelible mark there on. Let us listen and hear, and do all that God wishes James 1:22-25. This is the way of life more abundant and free.


            Father soften our hearts to receive well Your words of life. Open our ears, and make us know Your voice. We thank You that You yet speak, even to hard hearts; only let our gratitude be shown in our attitude and in our appetite towards Your word in scripture. And in this way You will be glorified as we know Your word and keep it, and so abide in You, that You abide in us, and much fruit shall be born to Your glory alone. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


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