To be Bereans


Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. Acts 17:11 NASB

            It is an oft repeated admonition to churches to emulate the Bereans, and as the Bible notes their noble mindedness it is a worthy admonition indeed. In this the focus is most often on searching the scriptures, and holding them as the final authority against which everything is to be judged. Again, this is good and right; but it is not complete. In order to truly be like the Bereans, it is not sufficient to search the scriptures. A careful reading of the passage reveals that searching the scripture is not the primary cause for which they are called noble-minded. Rather it is their eagerness for the word, and not just eagerness but great eagerness. They desired to have things right according to the true measure of rightness, and so they searched the scriptures. They first eagerly received the message, and then they followed through on hearing by considering it in light of scripture. In all of this they were eager to know God, to be right before him and that is the crucial point.

            Do not miss, the message is received and then examined. The words are heard, and then weighed; and this is done daily. They were done in such a way for a particular reason which is to discover the truth. Not to find fault, not to raise themselves in some estimation; but to discover the truth. The goal is just as important as the means. The goal is perhaps even more important. Now, to truly love truth is to love God, and to truly love God is to love truth for God is truth and establishes truth. So, in seeking the truth with great eagerness these people sought God with great eagerness. It is no wonder then that in the next verse we learn that many who so sought did indeed find God through belief in the gospel of truth. That is to say their love was fully orbed love of God and truth which led to action. It is not sufficient to love knowing right, we must do right. To love God is to love truth and righteousness these three are inseparable.

            In a day when skepticism is touted as a virtue the virtue of the Bereans is easily misconstrued as skepticism. The Bible does not know skepticism as virtue, but only as a vice. Skepticism is not eager to learn, or to grow, or to advance and these things God would have us to be. Yes, all teaching is to be weighed against scripture. Yes, some teaching is to be rejected. Good teaching is to be desired, and eagerly engaged with. Those who begun skeptically whether C. S. Lewis, or Lee Strobel, or Augustine have also begun with an earnest desire to know the truth and a certain openness to receiving it. Such is good soil for the planting of the gospel seed.

            And so worthy teachers ought to welcome the weighing of their words, for they are approved workmen who need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth. But skepticism is not to be encouraged or welcomed where it is unaccompanied by a great eagerness for the truth. The skeptical mind that is skeptical for the sake of skepticism is hard ground. So, let us take care out of love for the truth, and be eager to find the truth and to know it better. When we find true teaching let us rejoice and receive it gladly and act upon it rightly. 


            Our Father may we love the truth for it is of You, and may we love You in truth. Send us good teachers and let us engage with good teaching rightly and well eager to learn and grow in the knowledge of You. Thank You for the word of truth, and for those who proclaim it, for the Bible in our own language and for preaching and teaching in our tongue which allows us to know the truth from lies. May our hearts not be made hard in skepticism. Have Your way in us and through us to Your glory. Let us know the truth and act on in righteousness for the love of You who first loved us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


Psalm 1 (Poor Bishop Hooper has been working their way through the Psalms setting the words to contemporary music, it is a good project and a great help in making the Psalms a part of our daily lives.)

Speak O Lord

May the mind of Christ our savior

Jesus cast a look on me



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