Take up and read


For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4 ESV

                What a wonderful gift our God has given us in scriptures, in all of them. He has thought of us, and of our needs. Each word is a gracious provision of knowledge that grants unfailing hope. He has given truth, to know true hope that we would endure, and be encouraged.

            To discard a portion of it is to discard something divinely appointed as good and needful for us. To neglect the Bible in whole or in part is to reject a good gift of God. In this we make the life more difficult, and indeed impossible. The way is too rough and steep, and the skies above so often too dark and stormy for us to go without the hope scripture unceasingly offers.

            Therefore, open that book which your Father has written for you dear saint, and all the saints. Those who have gone before proved its worth, take it up with their recommendation resounding through the ages, and with the far greater admonition of Your heavenly Father. Take up and read.


                Father we thank You for Your word which is instruction, and admonishment, and encouragement, and reproof, and reminder to us always. We thank You that it is made accessible to us to receive that benefit which You so clearly intended. May we never neglect it. Thank You Father for thinking of us, and for providing what we need for the journey. May those who don’t have Your word in their language be given it soon by Your grace. To Your glory we pray it, in Christ’s name. Amen.


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