There is no other


I am the LORD, and there is no other, besides me there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know me, that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:5-6

                God here is calling Cyrus some hundred years before Cyrus is known upon the Earth which is of itself most remarkable. He is also declaring what He shall do through Cyrus, though Cyrus is not a believer. The Lord declares and as we can read in Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah it comes to pass just as He said. All of this is to support the central claim of Isaiah 45:5 to the ends of Isaiah 45:6; which is to say that God is to be ascribed His due glory as the sole sovereign over all creation by all the inhabitants thereof. Psalm 102:15 expresses the same want, as does Matthew 6:9-10. It is the central theme of the Bible; it is the ultimate end of all revelation. And it is very good.

                God is above all, there is simply no other. No one can challenge Him, no one can go against Him. Even those who do not acknowledge Him are equipped by Him for a purpose and a time. Even Satan himself must yield, for he is a devil indeed but he is God’s devil. Therefore, we live in an ordered universe. The end has been declared from the beginning. Consider the sovereign claim of Isaiah 45:7, and be thankful that God is greater than all our concerns. Be thankful you serve a God whose bigness staggers the finite mind of man. Know Him in His word, in His story of history see His hand at work. Find Him in your life, and seek Him in prayer. For in knowing the one true God who is god alone there is peace which surpasses all understanding and much to be thankful for.

                God shows all men some mercy in this life, but if you do not know the fullness of it, if you cannot rejoice in exaltation of God, nor in His sovereignty over all things then you are impoverished indeed and under a threat of eternal death. To you wretched soul I say be thankful that God has saved such wretches as you and the one who write this is proof. Be thankful that there is hope of sovereign grace and cast yourself with outpouring of earnest prayer for mercy upon the only God who saves. For He is mighty to save, and is rich in mercy, and His steadfast loves endures forever. May He have mercy on your soul, and may you find in this season a thankfulness for the gospel of Jesus Christ established forever from eternity past by the Lord God almighty.


                Our father in Heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your Kingdom, and Your will be done on Earth as it is Heaven. Let us act as citizens of Kingdom whose king is indeed King of kings and whose Lord is Lord of lords. Let us not be afraid for You have promised to be with us by the grace of Christ which we receive in faith alone. There is none like you, You are God and there is no other. May all the people who on Earth do dwell see it, and from us hear as You have ordained to your glory. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.


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The Earth is the Lord’s

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