The thunder of God's pwoer


“Behold, these are but the outskirts of his ways, and how small a whisper do we hear of him! But the thunder of his power who can understand?” Job 26:14 ESV

            Job has recounted several wonders which God has wrought, deeds great and mighty beyond all human capacity; yet he says it is the fringes of what God might do. Our God is powerful beyond comprehension. The showing forth of its fullness would undo us.

            Still the outskirts of His power are revealed to us today, but we with our science see more the mechanism then the One behind it. We have lost more then we have gained if the elegance of the mechanism leads us to complacency rather than awe. If the study of God’s work makes us remark on our own powers rather than His we have gone wrong. What we might know of what He has done should lead us towards Him.

            What use is there in running from Him? And why should not we run towards Him? By His power He has extended grace to all who will believe. He has shown us great favor, and exercised His might to save His people from sin and death. How much more should we trust in His power then? This power we cannot understand. There shall always be something truly awesome in God’s workings.


            Our great God may we see the mighty deeds You have done and know You in them. In this way be glorified. In Christ’s name. Amen.


God moves in a mysterious way

Immortal, invisible

A present help (God of pity)


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