Perfect love


So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him 1 John 4:16 ESV

                God is love, He gives the word its definition for His love alone is perfect. The love of God is continual, and continually displayed in all His actions. God never ceases to love His people those who know Him and are known by Him. His love for His own is so great that Father sent the Son to redeem us, and both Father and Son have sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. This we believe and so we believe in the unfailing, unending, unfathomable love of God.

            And more we who have received Christ by grace through faith abide in this love. It is ministered to us by the Holy Spirit through many means which God established to the very purpose. When He blesses us, we receive His love, when He draws near to us, we receive His love, when He disciplines, we receive His love, when He bids draw near to Him, we receive His love, when He gives us good things we receive His love, and when He takes things away from us we receive His love; so that whatever our condition we have the love of God. It is secured for us by God’s design according to His promise so that it cannot and will not fail us.

            God in love has taken hold of us, and we in turn take hold of God in love. O beloved children what delightful have you to meditate on day and night in this perfect love of God. And we should meditate on it, searching out its reaches for it will be comfort to us, and an encouragement also. This love that will not let us go when think it must constrain us to obedience. When we do not understand what our great God has asked of us it is enough to remember His love for us and so trust that what is right is also good. There is much more to say, for this theme is one to occupy eternity.


            Our Father what an awesome grace have we received? You have loved us with a perfect love, and we love you more perfectly. For your love, and in Your love, and with your love we would glorify You. Please grant us this in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen.


Magnificent, marvelous, matchless love

What wonderous love is this

O love that will not let me go

Love constraining to obedience


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