Worhtless secrets


“The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. Deuteronomy 29:29 ESV

                We love to know secret things, knowledge is power after all, and we have sought power since Genesis 3. This is why Gnosticism proved such a threat to the early Church, and still threatens her today. The Serpent still whispers from many branches promises knowledge and power to elevate. The temptation carries a double danger of distraction and dissatisfaction. Both harm us by drawing us away from God.

            It is His to reveal, and He has revealed much. Indeed, He has revealed enough to save us from sin and death, and to direct our lives down the best path. He has given much more than Moses here delights in, things which that man could only wish for are ours and our children’s forever.

            Now if we believe the lies of the modern Gnostic who do the work of their father the Devil, we have rejected what God in perfect wisdom and love has given. We have thrown aside bread of life, and living water to take forbidden fruit. Such fruit is forbidden for a reason, it does not deliver what it promises, but the opposite. It promises to make us wise, but instead causes us to become fools. It promises to make us powerful, but instead saps our strength. Do not look for God’s truth in codes, and conspiracies.


            Father grant Your people wisdom and discernment to know Your voice from counterfeits. May the Holy Spirit be strong within them to convict when they go astray, and to confirm what is true. We ask for the sake of Your glory. In Christ’s name. Amen.


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