Love for reproof
My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights. Proverbs 3:11-12 ESV
Ignorance is bliss in oh so many ways. It will lead you in trouble after trouble, but it will also allow you to blame all your troubles on someone else, and even to disavow many of them. Indeed ignorance may even allow one to look on the worst of troubles and call them good instead of evil. For a time ignorance truly is blissful. The problem is that ignorance cannot ultimately persist. The bliss of ignorance must come to an end at the grave. You do not shape reality even in unawareness. You shape only your perception of reality which is of little value when death comes.
What we ought then to seek is not the wishful bliss of ignorance allowing us to perceive what we would, but rather enlightenment that conforms our perceptions to the truth. For this we require instruction from one who knows the truth. Such a One is, and can only be, God. Moreover, He must be the God as described by the Bible who loves us and would draw near to us and have us know the truth.
Instruction requires discipline and reproof. It is of no use if the instructor proclaims us right even when we are wrong. However, this is what we seem to want. We enjoying being right, but I think we ought more to delight in being wrong for then we have an opportunity to learn, and grow, and become more than we were. Discipline is not always pleasant in the moment, but the outcome can be worth every pain if we accept the rod with a gratefully heart.
We ought to keep this attitude at all times and throughout all of life. There is no point at which a student ceases to be a student even as they may also be a teacher. This is especially true in our relation to God. We should in all humility always be seeking to learn.
Father make us to desire Your will and Your wisdom. Cause us to love Your discipline as in it we see Your love for us. May we never be lost to ignorance in pride, but ever continue in humility to seek real knowledge and understanding of the truth. May this be to Your glory. Amen.
Be Thou my vision (I enjoy Brooke Lambkin’s performance)
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