Introspection part 2

The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks. Luke 6:45 ESV

            Sticks and stones may break my bones, but it is words that really hurt me. James 3:1-12 warns us of the awful power of our tongue and its words. It can be a power for good, or a force of great evil. It must be controlled James instructs us. We ought to see this need in our lives as well, but how can it be done? How can we keep watch over every word we pour forth?

            The answer is that we must go to the source, the spring where those words first originate in us, the heart of our being. Here we can work to purify most effectively by applying the word of God to all we find therein. We can see what impurities are likely to appear in our words and be on guard against them. And as we are working before the mouth has even been opened we have some hope of catching the errant notions before it is too late.

            The flip side of this is that we may listen to our words and by them know something of our hearts. The slips of the tongue are telling. They reveal the things we would deny, and undo our carefully constructed deceptions. Only be mindful that once you have heard the words someone likely has as well.

Where this difficult work is not done, very little good can be accomplished. Disaster may befall suddenly with a single lie, or piece of gossip, or some word of temptation. Or it may be that very slowly the level of noise increases to drown out the voice of truth. That we may work out our salvation in fear and trembling, and might help rather than hurt our brothers and sisters in Christ, let us watch our tongues and our hearts with care seeking the aid of He who searches and knows the heart God our Father by the Holy Spirit in Christ.


            Father help us to be holy as You are holy. Let our hearts be pure and filled purely with Your goodness. Where our hearts are impure and full of wickedness give us wisdom to see and understand that we may work to be rid of it and may keep from our speech. May the words of our mouths ever glorify You and edify all who hear them. May we do no harm by our speech. Your will be done. In Jesus’ Name. amen.


May the mind of Christ, my Savior

Babble on, by Guardian

Adding to the noise, by Switchfoot


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