Introspection part 1

But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. James 1:14 ESV

                There is a balance required in the Christian life. One such, perhaps the most difficult, at least for some souls, is the balance of introspection. It is great folly to blame each temptation on some external force, and to find the locus of control for sin somewhere beyond you. This leads to irresponsibility and hopeless slavery to sin. This denies the effect of Christ’s work of Salvation, and ignores His numerous commands to work out that salvation.  On the other hand we can become so intent on our wretchedness that we fall into despair. Martin Luther knew this latter struggle well. He would exhaust his confessors while he was in the monastery, even to the point that he was advised to go and commit a real sin before entering to confess again.

                We must be aware of our wretchedness, and loathsomeness less we undervalue the grace of God, or be found slacking in the work of purification.  We must keep watch on our hearts and careful watch for our words which James will warn of later on come forth from that heart. We must keep careful watch on our hearts that we do not become proud, and so that we remain humble before God and men. If we err then let us err on the side of over much introspection.

                Better, let us balance our looks inwards with our looking upwards to where Christ is seated in glory. Let us find the disease in ourselves and the cure in our Savoir. Let us be reminded of our need, and of our satisfaction. Let be reminded of our weakness, and let us be reminded also of the reason of our faith. Then let us walk by faith alone. However we may err in this balancing let us never fail to see Christ.

                We must all strive towards this balance. For some this means you must find the mirror more often and gaze with more intent and attention. For some, like myself, it means you must be more diligent in looking to Christ fully. For all it means arguing against the lies whatever lies they may be. The truth has been revealed in the light of Christ, the truth of all things, and we have been set free.


            Father hallowed is Your name. Your righteousness come in each of us for You are righteous and so to must we be. Lord let us not be blind as formerly we were, but let us see  clearly our current sorry state that we would desire Your grace and appreciate it as we ought. Help us Father to know the sure hope of Christ. Let us be forgiven, receiving forgiveness, and offering it to others. To You alone be the glory. In Jesus name. Amen.


Weary of Earth, Myself, and Sin (I like the Red Mountain Church performance)

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