A heart of flesh of Christmas


And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26 ESV

            A stone is not alive. A stone heart feels nothing. A stone heart does not move.  A stone heart is worthless. Such a heart can not accomplish anything, it cannot even begin anything. Such a heart is dead weight. There is no life in it, or through it.

            What a gift then was promised by the Father, secured by the Son, and delivered by the Holy Spirit, a gift of a living heart! It is an intimate gift of life to each individual who receive the gracious offer through faith. Life! And not just life. But new life unlike anything we had dreamed of in our walking death. We had nothing, and were given everything. We were dead, and now by grace we live!


            Father what a wonderful gift we are given. We thank You for it. We ask You to help us to appreciate it fully, that by this we might express our new life most fully and so make You known. We pray it in Christ’s blessed name. Amen.


My Maker and my King

Awake my soul by Sandra McCracken

Who is this, so weak and helpless?

O come, o come Emmanuel


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