Towards a better society


And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. Acts 2:44-45 ESV

            Much is made of the community here presented. Many attempts are made to recreate such a community. What must be understood is that community was not created through human machinations. It did not result from the application of any human idea. It was not created through mere human cooperation, or agreement. What occurred there in Jerusalem, and is recorded here for us to see, was the direct result of revival: that is the special manifestation and powerful working of the Spirit to glorify the Son to the glory of the Father. It follows gospel proclamation, and personal gospel transformation. It follows logically, and supernaturally, naturally from the newly created nature. As individual hearts are made captive to the will of God the society is made captive to that same will.

            All of this is simply to say the answer to societal woes, the way to improve a culture, the only means of forming a better community is to make disciples. This is done by the proclamation of the word with the convicting ministry of the Spirit. Any suggestion to the contrary is some other gospel, which is no gospel at all.


            Our Father all good is from You and for You. You alone are possessed of perfect wisdom to perfectly direct us in our lives as individual and as communities. Only you know our hearts, and can free us from our slavery to sin which ruins our lives individually and communally. Continue the good work You have begun among Your people to its completion as work out our salvation in fear and trembling knowing it is You our God who is at work in us and through us. Let us seek your will in all things together. Grant to us to see more clearly, and to those who are blind to see the Way, and the Truth, and the Life that they might what they have always sought and give glory to You through Christ in the Spirit. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

Song and books

            Jesus I My Cross Have Taken, I also recommend that you read the book In His steps which features this song.

            While I am recommending book, I can recommend highly enough the volume simply titled Revival by D. Martyn Lloyd Jones. I have read several books now addressing the current situation and none have been so helpful as this worthy offering.


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