Hope in humility


…praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. Acts 2:47 ESV

            It is God’s Church, He builds it. He gives it favor with men, and sustains it against those who don’t favor it. It is the Lord who does all these things. He adds, and subtracts. No one else, but God accomplishes the work, we are used by Him as a skilled craftsman uses tools in his projects. Therefore, God alone is worthy of all praise wherever and whenever the Church prevails.

            It follows then that the most dangerous threat to any Christian endeavor is pride. Pride in whatever form it may exist comes against God to remove Him from the place of primacy. Pride denies the power of God, substituting in its place the feeble powers of man.  Pride reduces us while trying vainly to elevate us. Pride causes a church to cease in being truly a church. A prideful church obscures that which sets it apart, cutting itself off from the Divine power which alone can build and sustain it rightly. Pride leads to disaster as the scriptures many, many times attest.

            A humble saint, a humble family, a humble church does not oppose God, but gives Him gladly His right place. God is clearly seen in them and through them as they do not obscure the view of the Lord. The Lord Jesus Himself is the paragon of such humility. Submitting to descend to the lowest point, He was raised by the Father to the highest place. The Father who so elevated His Son, will surely not fail to exalt the Son by raising up those who follow in His steps to His glory. For if we rely upon His provision fully, then in lifting us up and prospering the work we do in His name He is doubly honored.

            So then beloved let us humble ourselves before the Lord of Lords and King of King, the only true and living God that He might have His way with us to His glory. Let us be humble, and hopeful. The Lord’s arm is not shortened, His power continues to be perfected in our weaknesses. Abide in Him, and He will abide in us, and much fruit will be produced to His glory. Amen.


            Our Father in Heaven make us humble in Your thrice holy presence. Make us poor in our spirits requiring the ministry of the Holy Spirit every moment as our only sufficient provision. Let us seek only to know You. Make Yourself known with renown in us and among us and through us. Be glorified and let us see Your glory. In the name of Christ Jesus our Lord we pray these things. Amen.


Jesus cast a look on me

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