Cheaply betrayed


Then one of the twelve, whose name was Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, “What will you give me if I deliver him over to you?” And they paid him thirty pieces of silver. And from that moment he sought an opportunity to betray him. Matthew 26:14-16 ESV

            In the most profound undervaluation of history the God-man is sold for thirty pieces of silver. Infinite worth proclaimed by those who should have best appreciated it as worthless. Even by one who had followed the Lord the deal is acceptable. There is no sense in it.

            Another wonder, if we read up to this point in the gospels, we learn that Jesus saw the moment coming, and if we read on from here, we find that even after the deal is struck Judas is still allowed access. The Lord gave to the betrayer of betrayers the same as the faithful, He washed those feet, but Judas did not receive it. Though he was among the twelve closest to the Lord he remains just as blind as the priests who paid him his paltry sum. And here there is ample space for examination. Such is a work done by one with God in fear and trembling.

            Two things however we will draw out. Firstly, our Lord knows what it is to be unappreciated. Indeed, He suffers the same insult countless times. So, He is well able to empathize with us. More than this as our true value is only in Christ when we are under valued it is not an insult to us, but if we abide in Him and He in us, the true insult is to Him. Secondly, see how patiently our Lord deals even with the son of perdition. How patiently does He deal with us?


            Our Father may we know well the worth of our Lord and Savior. To Your glory grant it. In the precious name of Jesus, the Christ we pray. Amen.


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Beneath the cross of Jesus

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