The central question and the central purusit


He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Matthew 16:15 ESV

            This is the central question. You can find it explicitly also in Mark 8:29 and Luke 9:20, and implicitly it is everywhere in scripture for scripture testifies as does John 14:6 to the exclusivity and necessary centrality of the gospel which has as its very center God. And God is made known only through Christ and so we arrive at the central question not only of scripture but of all things. It is the central question of this and every other season. It is the question which all human thought must finally arrive at and answer. Therefore, we may say with every confidence that all men and women and children who have ever been, or are now, or ever shall be must be theologians.

            To be a theologian is not a choice we have, nor something we might seek to become; but we simply are by nature theologians. And by nature, we are impoverished theologians. Our choice is whether or not we shall be good theologians or bad theologians. And the difference is this, good theologians earnestly seek the truth. Seeking the truth earnestly, whole-heartedly, they may be granted to find the truth even as Peter was in Matthew 16:17. And it is necessary that the revelation of the truth be given for it is the truth of God and is therefore infinite; and we know that the finite cannot grasp the infinite, but the infinite can reveal Himself to the finite and has and does indeed.

            Now having been granted the revelation of the truth we ought the more eagerly to pursue theology for it is a blessing and a sign of the blessing that we could in truth pursue it. For true theology is learned not with the head alone so that we keep it in our minds and pour it out as we will from our mouths; no, true theology engages the heart and is poured out continually in all of life. Consider the gift of saving knowledge in this light, that you are at once let into all the knowledge of God, the whole storehouse is opened to you, the full library laid at your disposal, but you being finite cannot take it all in at a moment. Therefore, take up and read! For how shall you spurn such a good gift as this? Why would you deprive yourself of the knowledge of that God who so loved you as to send His only begotten Son to die for you? If your Father in heaven wishes you to learn the sacred knowledge who are you to refuse? And He does indeed desire you should learn for behold He has given you all wherewith to learn. What joy! And He has also a good purpose for your education, and a plan for you to apply the knowledge practically. Joy upon joys!

            Now beloved, there are places which call themselves churches, though they are not, in which it is said, “We do not do theology here.” And these places do not the will of God, but of our enemy the Devil and give out death rather than life. They curse instead of blessing. They have no gospel for the gospel is theology and good theology deep and wide. Many churches there are that do theology rightly, and many fine theologians have been lavished upon the Church through the ages and these gifts we have available in such grand proportion that we might take them for granted. Let us take care that we do not fall into this snare and so become slothful, or despondent in our pursuit. As we love God, we must so love theology, and as we love good theology, we ought to thank God for every good theologian He raises up for our good to His glory. The knowing of God stirs our hearts, and theology leads us into doxology! All glory be to the God of truth who has revealed Himself in love by grace through faith in Jesus Christ who reigns forever and ever. Praise be that the central question is answered that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God. Amen.


            Our Father in Heaven whose dwelling is in light inaccessible Holy, Holy, Holy are you our God. In our sinful wretched condition, we could not know you, being blind in our transgressions from birth. Yet You O Lord had mercy on us, and sent the Light into the darkness though we loved the darkness rather than the light for our deeds were evil. So, too did you cause our eyes to be opened and gave us to behold the glory, and receive through Your marvelous grace so that we came from death to life, and having been blind we are now given to see, and having hated and been hated now we are loved and so we love. So, in love help us to know the One who first loved us with our heads, and hearts. Make us good theologians in spirit and in the truth. We thank You for the teachers You have sent us, for the preservation of their good words that help us to understand that most precious gift which is the Bible. We thank You for sovereignly preserving Your word to us, and giving it to us in our own language. Father may it also be so given to all tongues upon the Earth that all be able to read for themselves Your revelation of Yourself and so come to a saving knowledge of theology. Let us not make any excuse for ourselves, being so richly blessed, but let us take up and read and contemplate in prayer and humbly submit ourselves to all good instruction out of love for You. And even so Lord be glorified in us and through us, and make Your name to be hallowed among all people as You alone are worthy. Let your perfect will be done. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


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