The just shall walk by faith always


For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17 ESV

            The good news (gospel) of Jesus Christ is that grace is available in Christ to all people who will receive it and submit to Christ in faith. Faith is alone the response to grace. And so, the just shall walk by faith alone. There is no other way.

            Now we might find it easy enough to walk by faith when our sight has failed, or our strength has fled; but that is not what we are called to. It does not say that we live by faith when life is hard, or when life is easy; but it is written that the righteous shall live by faith always. In this there is much rest. There is rest from trying to earn what we never can earn. There is rest from needing to know things never shall know. There is rest in finding ourselves in the hands of an almighty and perfect God who is worthy of all our faith and trust.

            How then shall live? By faith alone.


            Our Father who is in Heaven holy is Your name. Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done here as it is in Heaven. Give us today all that we need today. Forgive us our sins, as we will forgive those who sin against us. Hold us fast against temptation, and delivery us from evil. To Your glory. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


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