God at the center of your work


Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, Colossians 3:23 ESV

            In the passage from which this verse is taken Paul is talking about slaves and masters. This uncomfortable language looks to the harsh working conditions of the day. Those conditions have changed in some ways, in large part due to the Christian ethic, but not so much that we could ignore the passage and most especially this verse. We are still surprised to find Paul spending more time on work relations than on family relations. We are surprised in part because we value the one over the other; but in another part we are surprised because we think work is a separate arena further away from the faith.

            There is no part of life that is further removed from our faith than any other, and if there is it is a part of sin, and therefore more a part of death than of life. Work comes with difficulties that make it harder to find God at the center, but there at the center of our work is God. From the center He redeems our work, even when we deal with difficult human masters, and unfair conditions (see 1Peter 2). He redeems our work by being at the center as the central focus. This allows us to look past our human supervisors to the boss of all bosses submitting our work first to Him. It redeems our work by submitting to the evaluation of a fair judge, who as the following verse tells us will grant us a good inheritance. It redeems our work by elevating our motivations from paychecks, and promotions to the glory of God.

            Removing God from the center of our work, whatever work that is, will lead to ruination. It will rob us as workers of sound motivations, and assurance. It will rob the companies of good workers. And still the human masters of our age rush on mass to force God from their businesses and places of work in order to gain what they think is freedom; and freedom it might be, but only a freedom to see the end of all their dreams. God is the solid rock upon which all enduring industry must be built.

            Work is not a place apart from our faith, no such place exists. Working out our faith at work may be difficult, but the reward will be great immediately and eternally. Do not be deceived, you cannot serve two masters one at work, and another in all else. Whether you work as a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick maker you are as much a Christian at work as you are at home or at church. If you find that you are more yourself in one area, you are in sin. Take heed of yourself then, and be right before God.


            Father we thank you for redeeming our work. We pray that we would keep you at the center of our work so that it may be well and rightly redeemed to us and above all to Your glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


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Steadfast by Sandra McCracken

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