Sin, sin everywhere the tragedy of man


For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romans 3:23 ESV

                There are some verses in our Bibles which we know, but yet do not truly know. We have read them, heard them, perhaps memorized them, but we have not meditated on them, understood them, and applied them in our thinking and in our actions. Romans 3:23 is a good example of this. It tells us that no one has escaped the effects of sin. Still we are often surprised when sin appears in the lives of public officials, or church leaders, or celebrities, or children, etc. We should expect sin to show itself everywhere and in every situation.

            The world is often surprised by sin, not because it went away for awhile and suddenly came back; but because they refuse to acknowledge the evidences. Christians, or so called Christians, follow along with this nonsense expressing the same shock and distress each time. This is unhelpful. In fact it is quite damaging. Wishful thinking is for those who have no real grasp of the problem and therefore no possible solution.

            Well, we have a very detailed and perfectly accurate account of the issue; we know its origins, its extent, its effects and have for some time now. We also have the solution. We have the only solution as delivered by God. While the rest of humanity is wringing its hands in collective disbelief and before they can begin trying to rebuild their ridiculous delusions the Church ought to be there in grief trying to explain the underlying issue and pointing to the solution. The real solution and not whatever stop-gap measure the non-believers have come up with this time.

            The appearance of sin on any scale is never shocking, it is always appalling. Sin is never really a surprise; it is always a tragedy. A great tragedy for it is set against the glory of God which is the highest good. For those who know anything of this glory sin must be tragic and terrible. However, we often witness the greater tragedy wherein those who should know have forgotten and so fail to mourn. Those who do not mourn cannot be comforted.


            Father may we hate this You hate, and mourn what You would have us mourn. So proving to be Your children. May we be ready with the gospel to respond in every situation where the gospel is the only adequate response. May grace win through in tragedy to redemption for Your glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


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