Why should life continue?

Why is light given to him who is in misery, and life to the bitter in soul… Job 3:20

            Job is in bad shape, far worse I imagine than any of us have ever been. Job lost it all, and he had a lot to lose. Even His health is gone. His friends have been struck dumb by his plight for seven days and seven nights. In the next few verses Job continues to lament by finding death far preferable to life. He wants to die; he wants to die very badly.  

            I pray you never have, and never will find yourselves in such a place where you must ask why life continues for you, and why death will not approach. I have been in such a place. It is very difficult to hear the answer in that place. There is an answer though. God is not finished with you yet.

            God never tells Job the precise reasons he went through all this. God instead gives Job a greater understanding of who He is. God had a purpose in Job’s suffering to prove Satan wrong, but He also had a purpose in Job’s suffering to teach Job and to make him better than he was before. God also had a purpose to teach Job’s friends. God has a purpose in job’s suffering to teach all believers through this narrative. One thing we should learn is that the answer to this question, this very, very difficult question is to trust God. I know how hard that can be. I also know that it is true.

            When you have lost all sense of reason, and all direction and purpose; when the colors fade to grey and the music is just noise you need someone outside it all who can establish truths beyond perception. God is the only possible help. When you can’t even find a point in trying to do anything, in even staying alive; God is doing many good things.


            God You are God alone and there is none like You. You are the author of life, and of redemption, and we are in your hands. Let us rest easy in this even when things are impossibly hard. You are worthy of trust. Be glorified by our trust. Let your will be done. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.


Tough He slay me by Shane and Shane

The silence of God (I prefer the Michael Card rendition)


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