Romans 12:2

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 ESV

              The world is against us John 15:18-27. Every unredeemed man, woman, and child on the planet works against the Kingdom. Some oppose us openly and directly, but most do not even recognize their opposition. The simple fact is that those of the world are moving in the opposite direction of the citizens of the Kingdom. They do not share our goals, our values, or our foundational beliefs. The phrasing here is purposeful, there is only one way, one truth, one life John 14:6, one name by which we might be saved Acts 4:12. The world is compromised of many multitudes who appear to follow a multitude of paths; but this is not ultimately so. Rather the way which leads to destruction is simply wide enough that it can accommodate many different lanes. There are only two destinations. The path which leads to salvation and eternal life is narrow Matthew 7:13 and anything that is not that narrow path is in opposition to it.
              It is the width of the way of destruction and the sheer number of people travelling it which makes the opposition of the world something to be reckoned with.  The clamor of the multitudes has a definite effect on the mind. It is as if our minds were trying to swim against a mighty current of thought pushing us in the wrong direction, seeking to render us no more than debris swept along in conformity to the prevailing direction. We are called to work against the current, by grace in wisdom and understanding.
              The problem is that we cannot come out of the water. We are swimming this current with a definite purpose.  What’s more we find some truths, some lessons to learn, some beauty, and talents and skillfulness, some good even among those who oppose ultimate good.  These are worthy of our consideration. And can be useful in our mission as we see in Acts 17 while Paul is in Athens. Nevertheless, these are not to be taken with all else, rather the good must be extracted from the filth as gold must be extracted and purified. This process of the mind is called discernment. Its foundation is built in a mind renewed by the gospel truth. The world may have little bits of truth scattered throughout it, but only the Church is in possession of the whole truth.  We are the only ones who have found the right way. So, we must insist and persist in our insistence against any and all opposition for the good of the world.
              They do not see where they are headed, they are as blindmen in darkness stumbling along without hope. There opposition even when open and direct is the opposition of ignorance. These are the enemies we are called to love, to reach out towards with the gospel Matthew 28:16-20. We cannot be silent, we cannot be conformed, for if we allow ourselves to go along with them, even though it would make them happy for a time, it would damn their souls for eternity. We have been shown grace, our eyes opened, and our minds renewed in truth to become the stewards and messengers of that truth Ephesians 2:8-10. This is our sacred trust to oppose the world for the good of the world and the gory of God.
              Father, let the world despise and hate us they have first hated our Lord Jesus. He has called out of the world into something greater than the world, He has given us eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts to receive His truth. He was patient with us while we strode in darkness unseeing and ignorant. So, let us remember that we have nothing to boast of, and be humble in our mission of mercy, and patient as we spread the gospel. Lord convict the world of the truth, and gain glory for Your name. Let us get You glory by providing Your wisdom and vindicating your gospel by words and deeds as we show our minds renewed. Grant wisdom to discern good from evil, to do the work we are called to with all skill taking hold every opportunity with a firm grip. Thank You, Lord, for opening the right way which leads to life abundant and free, and for calling men away from destruction. Thank You for letting us have some role in this great work. Your will be done and Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. We ask all these in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Oh Church arise


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