Our days are numbered

Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:16 ESV
            What is true of the psalmist is also true of Jeremiah, Jeremiah 1:5, it is true of all of us according to Ephesians 2:10, and in Matthew 10:29-31.  The admonitions the Bible makes against anxiety are not unreasonable, but have the very best reasons behind them. The best of all these good reasons is that the Christian is in the hands of loving God. John 6:37-39 tells us this is the safest place we could possibly be. Our souls are secure in life everlasting.
            As for our days on this Earth they are numbered friend. They are all accounted for in God’s book. We have only so many. And for those of us in Christ this good, for death is the doorway to a better life. There is simply no reason to be anxious, or afraid regarding our survival. Luke 12:25-26 asks that painful question about the power of anxiety and all its frantic efforts and takes as inevitable the answer that they are all futile and vain. But there follows a promise of provision for those who seek the Kingdom first and the righteousness of God, that same promise we find in Matthew 6:33.
            Beloved the world is very anxious now, and they shall be anxious for some time hence as they are confronted with the appearance of death. Indeed death has always been with them, and threatened always in the same way; but now they have been given to see the threat and they are frightened.  And well they should be, for God’s anger still rest upon them who have not accepted the pardoning grace of Christ. We have accepted and received that grace and the wrath of God is turned from us. Therefore I urge you, as I have done before, not to fall in with the panic of the masses. Rather live in light of the gospel you have received and trust God in all things. Seek His Kingdom with boldness, and with courage. Knowing that it is not death to die in Christ, and that all things must work for the good of those who serve our Lord, Romans 8:28.
            Father you have ordained the end from the beginning, and have numbered the days of our lives according to Your plans. Surely the people are as grass. Even for the grass of field you provide. Even the grass of the field you adorn with beauty greater than that of Solomon in all his royal splendor. You keep watch on the sparrows so that not one falls but you take notice. Are we not worth much more? Is our value not proved in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us? Is this not love? You have loved us, and given us assurance of life after death. We do not know when death may approach, but You know. Let us rest in these truths without anxiety. Let our lives be to Your glory. Your will be done. In Jesus name we pray these things. Amen.
It is not death to die by Sovereign Grace


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