Against work addiction


It is in vain that you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep. Psalm 127:2 ESV

            When work becomes anxious toil, something has gone wrong. Something has gone wrong in our society when it comes to work. Several decades ago, Wayne Oats coined a new word, “Workaholic” to describe addiction to work.  The description Oats came up resonates with the psalmist describes. Anxious toiling, long hours, and little if any enjoyment of the work itself or the fruits of the toil. Addiction is another word for slavery, and it is easy to be enslaved by the anxiety over our work for it drives to work more, and that increases our anxiety while also burning through psychological energies.

            Not only is workaholism addiction/slavery, it is idolatry for if we stop to think about it the workaholic has placed his hope in his own work. Beloved what is truly tragic is that we live in society that admires the workaholic, and encourages it. Christians can easily fall prey to such distorted thinking, because hard work is a Christian virtue. But beloved it is only a virtue, and it is only one virtue. Hard work has its place in the day, and week; but so, does rest.  When work begins to chase rest off the calendar, when it invades the place of the family, and of devotion to God it has gone too far. When work becomes our refuge, and our hope it is an idol that must be smashed.

            Guard your minds against the idol of work, and against the great danger of workaholism. It is a path that leads only to destruction, but the world outside, and even the church may be very pleased to see you walk it.


            Father teach not to trust in our own work, but to submit that work to You and rest in You. Teach us to know our limits and live within them. Forgive us our idolatry, and bring us back under Your yoke. Have mercy on us. In Christ’s name. Amen.


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