The power of simplicity


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 ESV

                What a powerful verse this is! We see the great danger of perishing, the great promise of eternal life in Christ the Son, and we see the great love of God in it all. Here in a single line is the gospel that truth which sets free, which transforms lives. So simple that it is very often the first verse we memorize.

            This simplicity is all the more reason to esteem this verse, and to hold it fast in our memories. It is a good reminder of the gospel to us, and a good tool of sharing it with others. There is power in its simplicity, for it shows that God had care for us in its form as well as in its contents. He so loved the world, the whole of it, and of this love He wishes to let the whole world know.

            This verse is good when we are young, and our minds still forming; and it is good when we are grown, and our minds are over-full: and good until the end. It is a verse to grow on, which is never outgrown like all the simple truths of scripture. Yes, beloved there is a profound power even in the simplest and most familiar of Bible verses.


            Father we thank You that You have made the gospel known simply. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.


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