As day from night
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden…” Matthew 5:14 ESV As we are in the world there are some things of this world, we must deal with it cannot be entirely avoided. This does not mean that we have to do as they do, or think as they think. Indeed, there are things the world would encourage us to do and to think that are entirely forbidden to us, and which ought to be entirely foreign to us. To the worldlings lies may be useful, but to those who are indwelled by the Spirit of Truth they are evil. To the world conspiring in secret is prudent, but for those who walk in the light nothing good can be done in the dark. Yes, we are in this world, and we will interact with it, and we will do things that the worldlings also do; but we will do them as children of the King, according to His precepts and in light of the t...