It's a trap!


But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. Titus 3:9 ESV

            Paul gives similar instruction in 1 Timothy 1:4, and 2 Timothy 2:16, 23. There are some matters which fascinate us, drawing us into a depth of information, and involving us in an ongoing dialogue. We think ourselves feasting upon great things spiritually and intellectually. And we shall continue to think this for the dialogue has no end, nor any legitimate point. We have been caught in a trap of speculation which feeds only our pride while causing the rest of to waste away from lack of nourishment.

            Distraction keeps us from profitable use of our times. We remain weak, immature, and uniformed as we have learned very little for all our studies. If ever we awake to reality we may be overcome by frustration leading to despair, and perhaps apostasy.

            Not only are we harmed, but Paul warns that involvement with these areas of endless quarreling will lead to more quarrels. Whole churches can and have been divided because members have fallen into these traps. Other churches have been utterly destroyed when a leader gave way to such worthless pursuits and the people followed them into irrelevance.

            How then shall we avoid such traps? Keep the main thing, the main thing. Christ and Him crucified is the heart of the gospel, and around this are central doctrines which are necessary to this heart. Ask about any pursuit,” how does this bear upon the gospel?” Useful pursuits have outcomes so ask, “How will this bring glory to God?” or “How will this conform me to the image of Christ?” or “How will this make me more effective to the gospel work?” or simply, “What shall I do with knowledge?” Remember that any pursuit blown out of proportions, distorted, or taken too far can become an idle pursuit: or even an idolatrous one. Keep careful watch on yourself. Finally, do not be too proud to seek the advice and direction of your pastor and elders. It these who are charged to lead souls away from these traps, and out of them as best they can by grace.


            Lord keep us from wasting our time on vain pursuits which only feed our pride. Teach us to love those studies which are truly profitable. Give us wisdom to discern, and humility also. That we may grow strong in the faith, and so be better instruments in the hands of our Redeemer and Lord. All glory be to Him forever. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.


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