Why not?


Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?”  And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself.” And with many other words he bore witness and continued to exhort them, saying, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation.”  So those who received his word were baptized, and there were added that day about three thousand souls. Acts 2:37-41 ESV

            The alter call, or time of invitation, or time of response is a fairly new concept in the Church. This concept has come to shape sermons towards compelling closures. It is a vanity of vanities which exhaust both preacher and hearers. There is no scheme of man which can draw people into the Kingdom, and no power of oratory which can lead souls to salvation. These things are secondary goods as are so many other things we seek out and treasure.

            Consider, Peter does not properly end his sermon, he has not called anyone to come forward, no music is being played; yet the people come forward in droves interrupting the sermon and demanding to know the way of salvation. They have seen something, heard something, felt something irresistibly compelling. We might say it was the miraculous gift of tongues were it not that history records other such instances where no such gift was given. To look at the gift is an easy way out allowing us to say this could happen back then, but not now; over there, but not here. To site the gift is to miss the critical factor, the prime mover, the person who is and always has been and ever shall be at the center of such scenes as this the Holy Spirit.

            Let us consider what else the fledgling church did not have… It had no real celebrities, no scholastic credentials, no programs, no purpose-built gathering place, very few people, and very few resources. None of these arrived to empower the day of Pentecost, but God the Holy Spirit did and He was more than sufficient. Today we have buildings, programs, celebrity endorsers, scholastic institutions, and much, much more besides. Thank God for it all, but it is not enough. These good gifts become curses when they detract, and distract from the most necessary empowering of the Spirit of Truth. We must not fall into the error of the Laodiceans.

            God has not changed, the Spirit has not abandoned us, and so what has happened before should be expected to happen again to God’s glory. Why shouldn’t we see people so desirous of God that they cannot wait to the end of the service to receive the gift of grace by faith in Christ? We have preaching, but not with real power from the Spirit. We have logic, but it is not on fire. We need the special anointing of the Holy Spirit as much as any generation of saints has needed Him poured out on them. There is nothing else that will prevail against the current darkness but that divine light which God the Spirit alone might shine with full brightness. We are not here looking for outward wonders, but inward reviving.

            There is no formula for revival, no rules to follow; only pray and watch. But here is the critical question for us, do we truly want such revival? If it comes it will be like it was before, a kind of holy disorder which is really a holy order. We will not be in control, but God will be. Do we trust Him enough? We will not be elevated, but God will be exalted on Earth. Do we cherish His glory so much? Do we really want the world to come to know the true and living God? Would we really know God more fully? Do we want God Himself, or only the things He might bring for us?


            I want to want God above all else, and to see Him, and for all my brothers and sisters to see Him also and seek Him, and for the whole world to know Him as He is. Oh, that my heart might hold this desire with utmost zeal at all times, and that other hearts might hold the same. For it is commanded, “Seek first God’s Kingdom, and His righteousness…” Father let Your name be hallowed, and let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. It can only be so by Your power. Do not withhold the full anointing of Your Spirit, go before Your people, go with us so that all might know we are Your people. Do no let Your glory go to another, do not let Your name be blasphemed. Have mercy on us all Father. Grant us this petition for the sake of Your glory in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.




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