

 While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Immediately they left their nets and followed him.  And going on from there he saw two other brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, in the boat with Zebedee their father, mending their nets, and he called them.  Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him. Matthew 4:18-22 ESV

            Here Jesus appears before His first disciples, He goes to them where they are, and He calls them away. He does not come to them and stay where they are. He does not come to them and leave something there for them before proceeding on. Jesus is marching to Zion and those who would be His disciples must follow where He leads. He cannot relent in His march to stay where He finds each disciple, nor is He content to allow His disciples to remain where they were found. He is too good a savior for any of that! God does not change and neither does His call: Psalm 33:11, 119:89, Hebrews 13:8.

            The physical reality here illustrates the spiritual reality which is made explicit in places like Philippians 3, 1 Peter 2, Hebrews 5:14, 6:1, etc. And indeed, the whole of scripture bears witnesses that for us to move from where we began into glory is the good and perfect will of God for all who believe. The greatest commandment urges us onward to the fullest exertion of our whole being in pursuit of God: Mark 12:30-31. When we are truly saved, we become something new as we enter a new life. We do not remain who we were with an addition, and so cannot remain in our former place or in our former ways. Ephesian 2:8-10 makes this clear, and so do all the commandments of scripture which together will form an irresistible chorus beckoning us further up and further in. Now if we resist this chorus, we have no faith, for faith without works is dead as James tells under inspiration of the Holy Spirit: James 2:14-26. Nothing which God touches can remain unholy, and so the adopted children of God are irrevocably drawn towards holiness. And in this they work even as God works within them: Philippians 2:12.

            They hunger and thirst for righteousness seeking it first above all other things: Matthew 6:33. Now this produces a visible result as they will earnestly seek out the means of grace which will help them on. So, those who love God will love His word as an infant loves pure milk: 1 Peter 2:2, James 1:22-25. The true saints will also seek out the ministries of the church which are given by God to aid them in their growth and on their journey: Psalm 133:1, Ephesians 4:11-16. Cyprian was exactly right when he said, “No one can have God for his Father, who has not the Church for his mother.” So, the true saint will delight to assemble with his fellow saints, and so fulfil the commandments of scripture to his benefit: John 15:12-13, Galatians 6:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, Hebrews 10:25, etc. And many other evidences of the truth of the faith will be apparent, but these two may most easily and readily be seen. (For a further discussion see Jonathan Edwards’ “The Religious Affection”).

            Now all of this is a serious investment, and all of it will cost much, indeed we might say it cost one their whole life. The cost ought to be considered, and Christ Himself counsels us to consider the cost: Luke 14:25-33. We lay down a life of death which seems easy, but is not, to take up a new and more abundant life in Christ: Matthew 16:25, John 15:5. But as it is His life it is lived according to His rules. And so, we must be conformed to His way even to the levels of our thinking: Romans 12:2. If we struggle with this the answer is to lean all the more into the works of righteousness private and public for as Martin Luther so rightly observed in the forty-fourth of his ninety-five thesis, “Love is increased by the works of love.” This is not to say we will have perfect attendance at church, or that we shall hold to our habits of prayer and meditation flawlessly. We will all stumble, and faulter at times. And the church in such times is a good means of grace for when one falls there is another to help them up, and the faith family can defend themselves more effectively, and have a better return in their work: Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. So, it is written, that the righteous falls seven times, but gets up: Proverbs 24:16, Psalm 34:19, 2 Corinthians 4:8-10. So, the lapses will be indeed lapses, and the regular and consistent way of life will be steadfast and faithful: Psalm 1. The sheep who wanders astray will delight to see the shepherd coming to bring it back into the fold. And the good Shepherd will gladly leave the ninety-nine to seek the one lost sheep: Matthew:18-10-14, John 10:1-18. But if the sheep will not come, or if they are always and continually wandering off then they live in sin, and in love they must be disciplined Matthew 18:15-19. And if they refuse help and discipline, they must be set apart: Matthew 18:17. This we must do and Christ will be with us in it: Matthew 18:19.

            Now some will excuse themselves from the full commitment of Christianity, and so deprive themselves of the full benefits of Christianity. In this they blaspheme for they make God out to be too weak to overcome circumstances when in fact He is all-powerful and mighty to save: Psalm 2, 24, Isaiah 40:12, 45:7, Jeremiah 32:17, Matthew 19:26, etc. In this they harm themselves by forsaking good in favor of garbage: Matthew 6:20-21, Mark 8:36. In this they betray themselves for they show what is their greater desire: Romans 8:5. And so they prove to be the ones whom Paul speaks of in 2 Timothy 3 and particularly verse 4, for whom the Divine prescription is the steadfast preaching and teaching of the full counsel of God’s word: 2 Timothy 3:14-$:5. Be not deceived a man can have only one master: Matthew 6:24. And for those who will not serve God as He must be served, that is with all of our being, There is but one decree for them: Exodus 20:2, Deuteronomy 6:5, Philippians 3:18-19, etc. Well might we weep with the apostle for the state of these souls is indeed most terrible. They are like the multitude in John 6 who sought the Lord only for perishable things: John 6:22-59. What answer can there be except that which Jesus gave? How can say to such as these anything but what Peter and John said to the lame man? Acts 3:5-6. Some will say we are cruel in this, but the exact opposite is true. For if we see the truth, and do not speak it we do not love. If we pervert the word of God, we do not love God, or men, or the truth; and we do evil rather than good.

            Those who would argue their case before God had better consider the contest which Job had, and how utterly he was undone though being an upright man: Job 38:2-42:3.  If they would buy what they wish, let them heed the words spoken to Simon the sorcerer: Acts 8:20-21. If they are proud let them see what became of Pharaoh, or the Kings of Babylon: Exodus, Daniel. Truly the light in them is darkness for their eyes are bad: Matthew 6:22-23. To allow such to remain only enables their deception, and prevents them from seeing clearly. For in such cases if they go out, or are sent out it is because they had never truly come in: 1 John 2:19. They must come to God, and heed all His commandments, and live according to His will to receive all the goodness of His mercy and love by grace through faith. There is simply no other way: John 14:6, Act 4:12. All the good, which is truly good, is found only in God: James 1:17.

            Finally, beloved, what Christianity is, and what the work of the Church is are clear; but in execution they are often difficult. Still, they are necessary, and right. As He was sent so he has sent us: John 17:18, 20:21. He came with grace and truth, a light in the darkness: John 1:1-14. His desire is that we should be made perfect in the truth, God’s word is the truth: John 17:17. We must then hold the whole truth even as our Lord did. We must hold the truth in word and in deed. We must hold to the truth when it is difficult and unpopular. We must hold to the truth when it offends and when it drives some away. We must hold to the truth when it is rejected. Here we stand, we can do no other: Galatians 6:9.



Our Father have mercy upon those souls who find themselves with the sheep, but without the flock. Humble the proud, and soften the harden heart. Fetch back those who wander astray. Teach us all to love Your ways. Grant us wisdom to discern the fruits so that we might know what we ought and do what we can. Help us to love truly. Be with us when love is difficult, and when truth is challenged. Be with us when love hurts, and when the truth is hard for us. Have Your way in all things to Your glory. In the name of Christ, the Lord we pray. Amen.



I was a wandering sheep

Love constraining to obedience

Jesus cast a look on me

Lead on O King Eternal



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