Goodness in each passing moment and goodness yet to come


The Lord does not delay his promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 CSB

                At the center of our understanding of the times ought to be the appreciation of the patience of God in mercy. His purpose is behind every moment.  Even as we ask,” how long o Lord?” We must praise that same grace which has saved us, and rejoice in that great purpose of redemption which we have been joined to, and worship the Holy God as He is revealed in this to be as He is.

                Now if God who is holy and righteous, who therefore hates sin with a perfect wraith is patient in calling sinners to repent of sin how shall we be impatient who depend upon His patience? Why do we look for the fall of night while resting upon our tools as slothful laborers? If indeed we anticipate that night is coming when no man can work, ought we not to look for the evening even as we work with increased exertions? Or is it that we do not work for our Lord in His good purposes, but rather seek first our own purposes? Now if this be the case, we must fear the night when the Master’s patience with false servants shall surely end and they shall be judged as false.

                But as those who have received mercy, and benefitted from the patience of the Lord we should be exceedingly thankful for the testimony of each moment He terries, even as we are thankful that He shall not terry overlong. We should be thankful for the opportunity to work for His purposes, and so work gladly and unreservedly. We ought to be thankful that our days in the field are numbered, and that for the true servants the day of rest and gladness approaches. The Lord can be trusted to come at just the right time, and we ought to be exceeding grateful for this. We have the best sort of rest. We do not rest as those who serve a cruel master, and must pause only briefly with great anxiety less they are found out. We do not rest as those who serve a neglectful master who might not arrive to relieve us when the day is well and truly done. No, we serve the good Master who established the end from the beginning, and who shall come for us, and give us rest at the proper time. He makes no mistakes, He has forgotten no one. He takes care for all of His own. So that we may work without concern, waiting without impatience, focused on the Lord, always giving thanks.


                Our Father in Heaven let Your name be hallowed, may Your Kingdom come, and Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Let us know You in each moment, in the moment, and looking forward with anticipation to the moment of Christ’s return. Let us be thankful for what is, and what will surely come. In this may we prove to be indeed Your servants that You may be glorified. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen.


Lead on O King eternal

This world is not a place of resting

The sands of time are sinking

O day of rest and gladness

My heart is filled with thankfulness


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