Impossible possibility

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God. Mark 10:27

            Salvation is difficult. Jesus has just had a conversation about salvation with a rich young ruler. Not only was the young ruler rich, but he had also managed to keep the whole law. He had it all. He appeared the ideal candidate for entry into the Kingdom. The disciples are astonished to see him sent away unable to fulfill the last requirement which is also the greatest. On the outside this man had it all, but on the inside, he was a wretched idolater. He loved something more than he loved Jesus. So that an obviously impossible thing, to fit a camel through the eye of a needle, is more easily accomplished than for the rich young ruler and those like him to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

            How then can anyone enter the Kingdom? It is the obvious and necessary question in this narrative, and in our own lives. The answer is at first crushing. Abandon all hope for with man it is simply impossible. It cannot be done, there is no way. Man can put on a good show. Man can pretend. Man can do a lot of things that don’t amount to anything. John 15:5 states it very bluntly, “…apart from me (Jesus) you can do nothing.”

            Praise be to God that our Lord continues to answer, telling us that where the abilities of man fail the all sufficient ever prevailing power of God has arrived to make the impossible possible. We can’t do it, but He can do it. This is very encouraging! Previously there was no hope. Now there is a hope which can never fail.  There is a way to salvation.

            Now beloved salvation is accomplished at once when we bow to Christ and receive His offer of grace, and it is accomplished little by little as we walk with him each and every day. The old life is laid to rest in an instance to take up life more abundant and free; and the old life is laid down bit by bit and moment by moment as we walk in the newness of life with Christ. If we lose hope at the start we fail to believe in Christ, and if we lose heart in the process of sanctification again, we fail to believe in Christ. That is to say if once we believe that Christ can and will save us then we must continue to believe. What was impossible before becomes no less impossible. In Christ what was possible remains possible. Therefore, rest your faith in Christ and be of good cheer for your hope can never fail. The possibility has become a certainty for those who believe. This is sure as Christ is risen and living.


            Father we thank you for the wonderous work of Christ which accomplished the most impossible of tasks in reconciling wretched sinners like us to the Holy God. You knew all the ways we fail, and all the hardship we would face. Knowing Christ yet came to die and be raised. Knowing the Spirit yet came and gave us eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to receive grace through faith in Christ. So, let us then be broken over remaining sin, and angry over unrighteousness, and sorrowful over failures; but never despairing of hope, or doubting salvation. Instead let all who walk in the righteousness of Christ walk by faith as it is written. Let us receive forgiveness and find mercy anew each morning. Let us receive and not abuse Your great grace. In this way may Your will be done to your glory. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.


The Christian’s hope can never fail

All I have is Christ

Amazing Grace


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