
Showing posts from November, 2020

There is no other

  I am the LORD, and there is no other, besides me there is no God; I equip you, though you do not know me, that people may know, from the rising of the sun and from the west, that there is none besides me; I am the LORD, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:5-6                 God here is calling Cyrus some hundred years before Cyrus is known upon the Earth which is of itself most remarkable. He is also declaring what He shall do through Cyrus, though Cyrus is not a believer. The Lord declares and as we can read in Daniel, Ezra, and Nehemiah it comes to pass just as He said. All of this is to support the central claim of Isaiah 45:5 to the ends of Isaiah 45:6; which is to say that God is to be ascribed His due glory as the sole sovereign over all creation by all the inhabitants thereof. Psalm 102:15 expresses the same want, as does Matthew 6:9-10. It is the central theme of the Bible; it is the ultimate end...

Goodness in each passing moment and goodness yet to come

  The Lord does not delay his promise, as some understand delay, but is patient with you, not wanting any to perish but all to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9 CSB                 At the center of our understanding of the times ought to be the appreciation of the patience of God in mercy. His purpose is behind every moment.   Even as we ask,” how long o Lord?” We must praise that same grace which has saved us, and rejoice in that great purpose of redemption which we have been joined to, and worship the Holy God as He is revealed in this to be as He is.                 Now if God who is holy and righteous, who therefore hates sin with a perfect wraith is patient in calling sinners to repent of sin how shall we be impatient who depend upon His patience? Why do we look for the fall of night while resting upon our tools as sloth...

Hope for the hopeless

  Jesus answered, "It was neither that this man sinned, nor his parents; but it was so that the works of God might be displayed in him. John 9:3 NASV             Confronted with a man born blind the disciples jump to exactly the sort of conclusion we might, that a bad result came out of a bad action. Sin directly leads to blindness. This a human logic, this is karma; and it is hopeless. Indeed, it is hopeless, and must remain hopeless until God enters the equation setting fire to logic to empower it to good. Now we must understand that our Lord’s reply is logical, it makes just as much sense as what the disciples have concluded; but no, it must make more sense if we believe the words of Proverbs 1:7.             Whether you will concede the rationality or not, the redemption cannot be denied. Before the one born blind was dammed to remain blind, and more to remain in ...