
Showing posts from June, 2024

The awful easy life

  Behold, these are the wicked;   always at ease, they increase in riches. Psalm 73:12 ESV             Are we not like Asaph in danger of stumbling over our envy of the ungodly? We see them today much as they were perceived then, and there’s a good reason for it. A troubled person seeks an end to their troubles, but a person who is at ease tends to stay at ease. Prosperity is the prison of the unrighteous keeping them locked away from the salvation found only in Christ. What would they need saving from? Conversely pain, even the pains confusions and doubt, drive us towards God.             We live too much by sensation thinking our perception of pleasure is the call of God, and pain is the devil’s prod. We think temporal prosperity is the sign of God’s favor, and poverty His curse. None of these notions’ longs survive under biblical scrutiny. We must let go our flawed understandings, and take hold of something better. Then we will not be so troubled by the ease of the ungodly con