
Showing posts from August, 2022

Doing love in Christ

  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13:7 ESV             Our experience protest that it is not so, love is fickle, love is pragmatic, and doubtful, love gives-up. With mere human love it is so, and those tendencies endure even in the hearts of believers. It is a tragic situation, which results in tragic situations. Brokenness which produces brokenness, amidst a backdrop of idealistic virtue. Because we are in love, we feel betrayed, and so we are. We are betrayed by our own heart, our own lack of the true virtue, and our own acceptance of a counterfeit. We hurt ourselves as much as we are hurt by others. And as much as we are hurt, we also hurt others.             How to stop all of this hurting? If we are confined to a love that is something we experience there is no hope. Such a love is what it is and can...

Agreeing to go

  “ Do two walk together, unless they have agreed to meet? Amos 3:3             Indeed, they do not… Here is a general principle for life, if we are going to walk together, we must agree to meet. This is no casual agreement either, but a very deep and broad sort of agreement, for we are speaking of a great journey and not a quick jaunt across the block. It isn’t that disagreement will make our journey harder, it makes it impossible, incommensurable.   Think of it, if you have decided to go south, and your friend is set on going north or east you can’t go together; you’re going to have to find another soul who wishes to travel south, and to travel as far south as you, and to take the same route as you. Otherwise, you won’t really be going together. And that is true even if you are only going a block.             Here I must draw a point of application to local chu...